Sunday, February 27, 2011


I switched my weigh in day to Sundays. Mondays are just way too hectic for me in the mornings (ie: I don't want to get out of bed on most Mondays).  2.2 pound lost...I am really thrilled with that, especially with it having been my birthday. Chris and Kale made me dinner Friday was so good, but so not healthy.  But sooo good!! :)
Saturday I went to the gym.  I am trying to figure out running.  Not sure if I should be doing the c25k or something on my own...a training on my own.  I did running 3 minutes, and walk 2 for 30 minutes. I was definately not as sore. Today I went on a super long walk at the beach with Steph and Max.  It was probably almost 3 miles. We did stop and have breakfast though. 
I am watching the Oscars with my mom (our tradition) and ate way too much pizza (another tradition). 
Tomorrow is my non-workout day, I go hang with Kate and the pregnant sissy.  We try to eat healthy for dinner, but that does not work. 
10 days until the complete no-carb enters my mouth experiment begins. I am already doing it to a certain extent, except for tonight.  :)
Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. :) Your blog is too cute. Good job on it!!
