Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I am trying for the first time ever to link up with Jenn at Perfectly it! Hope this works :)

current book(s) - Does People Magazine count?? 
current playlist - Miranda Lambert "The house that built me", Adele "Rolling in the deep". I love music :)
current color - loving the bright pink and orange sunsets 
current food - I want some pizza!
current favorite show(s) - One Tree Hill sad it is ending! "Hart of Dixie", "Guiliana & Bill".
current needs - to lose weight, to feel better about myselft
current triumphs - no soda today! Made my own coffee for work!
current banes of my existence - just finished a major project, so I am pretty good. 
current celebrity crush - loving the boys on One Tree Hill, Ryan Reynolds
current #1 blessing - my them with all of my heart! 
current indulgence - guilty pleasure tv
current outfit - khaki skirt, black sweater
current excitement - to start the 9 week journey of c25k
current mood - good :)
current favorite quote or verse - "I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart" e.e. cummings
current wish list item(s) - some new clothes!
current favorite product(s) - loving my perfume "Feminine" by Dolce&Gabana


So the last couple of days have been a little bit of an eye opener for me.  I participated in a 5k in Carlsbad, it was good, but I definately felt fat.  Then last night at the softball game, something clicked inside of me, I got mad, like pissed off mad that people view me as the fat girl.  Now, I know that is making an assumption because I don't view my friends that way, but it is just my twisted way of thinking.
Anyways, I am mad and going to take out...c25k here I come!